"Finally, the First Practical, Step-By-Step, Police Specific Workout Program That Will Shape You Up, Get Rid Of Unwanted Fat, Build Strong Lean Muscle and Help You Ace Your Police Fitness Test...100% Guaranteed! "

I'll take you by the hand and show you exactly what to do and how often to do it in order to pass the law enforcement agility test.. Even if you are a beginner and have bad genetics.

Why Invest in A Police Specific Workout Course?

What’s The
Benefits Of This Law Enforcement Workout Program?”

FINALLY! A realistic police Officer “fitness for duty” program that lays it out in 1-2-3 step. You get 26 Weeks of hardcore, fat blasting workouts carefully planned with intense strength training, and circuit workouts designed to build lean muscle, burn away stubborn fat, and skyrocket your metabolism — I’ve even got everything scheduled out for you week-by-week so you don’t have to think about a thing.
You will know Exactly when to perform every session – No guesswork involved, you’ll know exactly when to strength train, use medicine balls, do circuit training, super sets, stretching, and how to overcome plateau and more..
I Not Only Tell You, I Show You! They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. That’s especially true when teaching something new. So, I included lots of pictures illustrating exactly what I’m trying to teach you. Foolproof instructions for excellent results!
Conditioning workouts that put traditional cardio training to shame – you’ll feel completely different in the first month of these police specific workouts and you’ll be able to go the distance, and not get gassed when doing your run, pull, sprint, dummy drag and/or the obstacle course test.

YOU Will Gain LEAN Muscle Without Getting Fat In The Process! Did you know that some police departments put you through a body composition test which looks to determine one’s body fat to lean muscle ratio? That is exactly why you don’t want to follow a workout programs that can actually MAKE YOU FAT (bulky and grossly muscular) instead of lean, and defined? That’s one of the reasons I mentioned earlier that not all workouts are created equal.

For instance, have you ever seen that one guy in the gym who can bench press the entire gym but walks around with a huge gut? Well, that’s an example of someone whose way of training is actually getting them big and bulky, instead of lean and defined.

YOU Can Steal ALL Of My Closely–Guarded Workout Secrets! I will take you by the hand and walk you through tons of total body exercise routines that I do when I’m off duty to get my body fat to a rock-solid 10%. You’ll get 26 weeks of intense and detailed muscle building workouts, starting from Beginner to Intermediate to Advanced Level. Not one thing will be left out!

Every single movement closely mirrors the actual physical assessment test and will get you in incredible shape in a hurry. I will teach you how to pair muscle groups for greater calorie output, how many reps you should complete, how much sets you should do, how much rest needed between each sets, and most importantly how often to switch your workouts.

You will NOT find this law enforcement fitness program in any fitness magazine or any web site because frankly, cop specific workouts doesn’t exist anywhere.

YOU Will Discover The Exact Foods to eat! You’ll get a week-by-week “Done For You” meal plan. There’s no guessing with this program, you will know exactly what foods to eat and which ones to avoid like the plague. You’ll get access to a list of foods that will accelerate fat loss and reduce hunger from A to Z. Avoid what I call the top 5 “ugly foods” that you should almost NEVER eat.

You’ll Get This  26 Weeks Workout Manual, Plus These 8 Amazing Bonuses FREE:

FREE Bonus #1

1) Prepare for the Oral Board Interview (Valued: $29.99)

In addition to the physical fitness test, you also must pass an oral interview. This can be as tricky as the written exam. You must know the secrets of how this phase works, what the interviewers are looking for, what mistakes to avoid, and how to make a good impression that will keep you safely in the candidate selection process and not get kicked out. Prepare For The Oral Inteview gives you the lowdown on this crucial step.

Here’s a sneak peak of what you’ll learn inside…

  • Discover the most commonly asked police interview questions. Don’t be caught off guard! Know what questions will be asked during your police oral exam and your battle is virtually won.
  • Get the very best answers to even the toughest police oral board questions.
  • Know why each question is being asked and what the police oral board panel is trying to find out by asking those questions.
  • Avoid making common body language mistakes. Police officers master the art of reading body language, you don’t want to send negative cues.

FREE Bonus #2

2) 30 Day Meal For Men and Women (Valued At: $49.99)

The fact is if you want to get into shape for the police officer ability test, you can’t do it on a bad diet. It doesn’t matter how many hours a day you workout, if you consume bad foods, you’ll still get fat. Many people unknowingly cancel out 2 days worth of working out by simply eating the wrong type foods.That’s called one step forward, two steps back. 

With that said, that’s why I’m including a complete 30 day “done-for -you” meal plan. This meal plan have been specifically created for the Fit For Duty Workout program by my good friend and Registered Dietician Brian Dean.

This meal plan takes all the guess work out of eating, simply follow the plan and you will turn your body into a fat burning machine. You’ll get a daily, meal-by-meal plan to accelerate your fat loss efforts. If you follow this police workout program as well as this meal plan, you simply CANNOT not fail.

FREE Bonus #3

3) No-nonsense Swat Team Workout ($27.00 value)

If you’re serious about building an ultra lean body for the police physical assessement test, you won’t get it by doing fluff workouts and wimpy cable exercises. You need to incorporate some intense, no-nonsense type of workouts. This training program is the ultimate fat blasting, and muscle toning program.

This killer workout routine is the exact training program that I use to get into super shape for my annual agility test requirements. This workout is extremely intense, but you’ll burn fat like crazy… Just beware, this workout is not like anything you’ve ever done before – trust me.

FREE Bonus #4

4) 11 Proven Ways To Boost Your Metabolism
(Retail Value =$24.99)

This information was so life changing for me, I had to include it with this package FREE! You’ll be nothing short of amazed by the amount of quality information you get in this bonus book.

Did you know that you are actually fighting a losing battle when you’re constantly skipping meals, and/or starving yourself when getting into shape is the objective. You see, when you deny your body food, your metabolism slows, and the body will store and conserve as much fat as possible to ensure its survival. It’s really that simple.

Our body have built-in survival mechanism and this is the reason why skipping meals and/or starvation when trying to lose weight is not such a good idea.

Here’s some important things that you must know: When your metabolism speeds up, the body is able to burn fat and calories faster. This will in turn help you lose fat faster and become healthier in a shorter amount of time.

Can you see why an elevated metabolism is so important. That’s why I’m going to reveal to you 11 proven methods to effectively raise your metabolism, and turn your body into a fat-blasting furnace – 24 hours a day – even while you sleep.

FREE Bonus #5

5) How To Run Longer And Faster (Valued At: $49.99)

Many police applicants falsely believe that the only way to improve their run time is to simply run more often, maybe longer, or some combination of both.

I’ve sat back and watched this mistake repeat itself time and time again. There’s been people who have trained an entire year of unimaginable high volume, high intensity training, just to shave fractions of a second off of their 1.5 mile run and/or their 300 meter sprint.

You see, in order to cut down your run time you must understand Distance, Rest Interval, Repetitions, and Time. Each of these components are vital to your overall success.

With that being said, I’ve included a complete manual that will walk you through exactly how to shave time off your run.

If you don’t drastically improve your run time within the first couple weeks of using this powerful system, you are being lazy or you’re simply not following instructions.

FREE Bonus #6

6) How To Improve Your Push-ups(Valued At: $49.99)

Push ups and sit-ups are old-fashion, traditional bodyweight exercises. Every law enforcement agency that I know of uses push ups, sit-ups or both to measure a candidate’s strength and endurance.

Some recruits do well in this exercise, while others fail miserably.

The best way to improve your sit ups and pushups is to utilize different variations, while increasingly challenging your body through progressive bodyweight exercises.

In this report I’ll reveal strategies that will drastically improve the amount of pushups, and sit ups you can do, while decreasing the risk of injury.


FREE Bonus #7

7)How To Overcome Fear (Valued At: $17.99)

Police work can sometimes be like the military: long periods of routine calm, punctuated by short bursts of adrenaline-pumping terror! Of course, a lot of people thrive on that. It’s something that the average citizen never experiences in their humdrum lives. But you must still know how to deal with it and remain in control of your emotions.

You must be able to stay focused on what needs to be done right now to survive a dangerous situation. Controlling your fear is the key to this. If you can be the master of your fear, everything else will fall into line and you’ll be able to function as you should. There is no substitute for real-life experience to really teach you how to do this. I’ll share my experience with you so you will go out armed with the necessary tools to stay in control.


FREE Bonus #8

8)Prepare For The Police Academy (Valued At: $34.99)

You’ve gotten hired…now several months of academic and physical challenges at the police academy stand between you and your dream. I’ll give you all the information you need to clear this last hurdle with ease and graduate at the top of your class. You’ll arrive for your first day at the academy already knowing more about what to expect than any of your classmates.


FREE Bonus #9

9)Secrets To Overcome Test Anxiety (Retail Value =$21.99)

If you pass the fitness test, there’s even more examinations waiting for you download the road like the written exam and/or the police academy entrance test. There are so many people who suffer from test anxiety. Some of them freeze up. Some of them forget everything they’ve studied. Others get so emotional that they can’t concentrate and start to panic.

The end result is that all their preparation goes out the window and they end up failing the exam, which is a real shame. I would be remiss if I didn’t address this issue for those of you who might be prone to test anxiety. I don’t want you to go to all the trouble of studying the information I give to you, only to have a meltdown in the exam room. This bonus book will show you how to get prepared mentally, help you cope with your fears and overcome them altogether.

Total Value Of My Incredible “Fitness For Duty” Success Kit Is …$503.93

But by ordering now, you have the opportunity to get my entire 10 component “Fit For Duty” Career Success Kit, Valued at $503.93 for the low introductory price of only…

$179.99 $77.00

That’s right. I’m willing to cut down the price to $77.00 to make this powerful information package affordable for everyone.

Could I charge 3 times that amount?


But I won’t do that because as a cop it’s just my nature to want to help as many people as I possibly can. For that reason only, I did everything in my power to get the price down as low as I can without it affecting my business.

Now here’s the catch.. I won’t keep this heavily discounted price on here much longer. That’s why this price is being offered for a limited time only.

Here's Our Most Recent Reviews:

John D. Iowa

"I was really nervous about taking the police fitness test, but this workout guide helped me feel more confident and prepared. The exercises were challenging yet manageable, and I could feel myself getting stronger with each workout. Thanks to this guide, I passed the test with flying colors!"

Sarah K. Wisconsin

"I've been a police officer for several years now, but I still use this workout guide to stay in shape and maintain my physical readiness. The exercises are specifically tailored to the demands of law enforcement, so I know that I'm building strength and endurance in all the right areas."

Michael L. South Carolina

"As someone who has never been particularly athletic, preparing for the police fitness test seemed like an overwhelming task. But this workout guide made it much more manageable. The exercises were clearly explained and easy to follow, and I saw improvements in my strength and stamina in just a few weeks. Thanks to this guide, I was able to pass the test on my first try!"

Enroll Today To Ace Your Police Fitness Test

Take the first step to ensure your success by signing up for our Police Workout Prep Course today.

1 Week Access

$ 77 /1-Week
  • Course Access For 1-week
  • 24/7 Unlimited Online Access
  • Detailed course content


1- Month Access

$ 87 /1-Month
  • Course Access for 1-Month
  • 24/7 Unlimited Online Access
  • 5 Complimentary Bonuses

3- Months Access

$ 97 /3-Months
  • Course Access For 3-Months
  • 24/7 Unlimited Online Access
  • 5+ Complimentary Bonuses

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the answers to your most pressing questions about our law enforcement interview prep course with our FAQs

This course covers all topics related to the police oral board interview process, from preparation tips to proper etiquette.

The course is available 24/7 and can be accessed at any time.

You can enroll in the course right now by choosing the right plan that meets your needs.

You can enroll any time and get started right away! All materials will be available online, so you can access them anytime, anywhere.

Feel free to contact us at any time at el@passthepoliceexam.com. We are here to help you succeed!