NYPD & LAPD Police Radio Live on The Internet
In order to listen to NYPD and/or LAPD police radio feeds where it is 100% free, visit this website and click on “live police scanner” at the very top of the web page.
Police scanners have been utilized since the early 1900’s by local police departments. These scanner frequencies were broadcasted over the AM radio stations. The way things were in the past, anyone who owned a radio could tune into the police scanner codes.
If you have a basic knowledge of how a FM/AM radio works, you know that they pick up many different frequencies. CB radios essentially use the same operation so that individuals can communicate with each other from far distances via electronics scanner frequencies.
Your live police scanner must be programmed with specific channels so that you can pick up the frequencies. In the initial models of these electronics used quartz crystals to control the frequencies and had a limited amount of channels. The quartz crystals were used to tune the frequencies and were required to be plugged into a special internal slot. These earlier models are completely different from our methods today. Think about it, you can even find an online police scanner to tune into to almost any channel that you want. That is a drastic change in the way we communicate with each other. There are so many different resources to locate a digital police scanner that you will have no problem finding scanner frequencies no matter where you are located. If this is your first time purchasing a device to hear police reports and other frequencies, you can always use police scanner reviews to help you locate an ideal solution. There are consumers who have already used the product that you are intending to buy that are willing to pour out their heart and soul about how they feel about these providers. You get to experience the honest truth about how these products pick up radio code and discover if they produce the results that they have advertised.