If you are looking for information on how to get into the best shape of your life as you prepare for the secret service physical fitness test, then you’ve come to the right place. I’ve been in law enforcement for almost a decade now and the physical fitness test seems to be what eliminates the most applicants from the selection process.
I’m talking about qualified candidates who would have otherwise been great workers but because they were in poor physical conditioning, ultimately got dismissed. Whatever branch of law enforcement you desire to go into, your fitness level will be measured before you are offered the job and the Secret Service is no different. If you cannot pass the physical fitness test, you’ll be disqualified. It’s really that simple.
So what is the key to getting into shape for the Secret Service PFT?
It’s rather simple yet overlooked by most Secret Service applicants.
You don’t need to workout long and hard or spend hours slaving away at the gym either. This can, in most cases, be counter productive and result in over training which will put you out of action for weeks at a time. Not exactly what you want if you expect to see serious results before your fitness test.
Instead you need to workout short and intensely.
The key here is INTENSITY. If every time you go to the gym you work out hard with pure focus (no chit chat and looking around) and serious intensity, you will be get an insanely fit physique in no time with very little chance of injury.
The other trick, you need to eat right. That’s right, 80% of your conditioning starts with your diet. If you are working out hard and intense but eating unhealthy food, you are not going to see the results that you are after. Make sure to eat lean meats and plenty of fruits and vegetables. If you do that, you will get into shape fast and sail through the Secret Service physical fitness test.
Since I know many applicants don’t have the slightest idea on how to start a fitness program, I’ve created Fit For Duty Workout Programcustom made for the Secret Service physical fitness test. This training program is safe and highly effective. Go ahead and get started RIGHT NOW.
Click This Special Link To Download Your Secret Service Workout Guide!