How Much Does a Security Guard Get Paid

Security guards, often underpaid and unrecognized, are necessary in today’s world. Security guards can make between $12 and $25 per hour depending on the state they live in and the type of security sector (armed or unarmed).

However, the average security guard salary in the US is north of 27K per year. Some states offer higher wages for security officers such as Alaska, Wyoming, California, Texas, Washington, and Maryland.

Some private security firms offer outstanding benefit packages, like health insurance, paid time off, tuition reimbursement, and uniform allowance. In this article, we discuss what security guards do, the salary to expect per hour, yearly, weekly, and monthly.

What is a Security Guard?

Security guards are trained to observe, patrol and protect people or property. They do this by checking identification badges, monitoring surveillance cameras and ensuring that the facility is secure. Security guards may be required to interact with visitors in a courteous manner while explaining company policies on various topics such as photography, smoking, pets and use of cell phones.

What is the average salary for a security guard?

The median annual wage for a security guard was $37,390 in May 2017. The lowest-earning 25 percent made less than $27,540 and the highest earning 25% earned more than $57,450 per year.

What are some of the other benefits that come with being a security guard?

Some employers offer tuition reimbursement or health insurance as part time employees while others require long hours on call to be available any time there is an emergency situation. Some guards work overtime and will receive extra compensation if they do so during times specified by their contract such as from 11pm to midnight on weekdays when most people have left the building where they work. Security guards may also expect bonuses at holidays like Christmas Day or New Year’s Day.

How much do security guards make per hour?

Security guards typically earn $12-25 per hour.

How much does a security guard make per month?

A security guard’s monthly salary would depend on how many hours they work and the pay rate for their company. The average monthly pay in the US is $2,225 for a security guard, however, the monthly payments can fluctuate more or less depending on where you live.

How Much do security guards make per week?

The average salary for a security guard in the United States is $575 per week.

How much do armed security guards make?

Some companies offer higher salaries or bonuses to armed guards who work with firearms as part of their job description because they are often required to work more shifts per week and have a higher level of responsibility.

What are the qualifications to be a security guard?

Training includes an ability to use firearms responsibly and enforce company policies (such as by asking someone to leave if they have entered without approval).

Some education programs offer bachelor’s degrees or certificates in this field.

Requirements vary from employer to employer, but usually include a high school diploma or GED certificate and some security guard training courses.

Some employers require guards to have a state-issued guard card or license.

Other skills would include good written and verbal communication, interpersonal skills, the ability to solve problems independently when others are unavailable for support. Security guards should be aware of company policies about how to deal with different situations that could come up on the job (such as telling a customer who is smoking to put out the cigarette or not allowing pets in the building).

Being on-call means being available for emergencies at all times, so it will require an individual with good time management skills.

When and where can I find job openings for security guards?

Some security guard jobs are posted by employers on websites like, and as well as local classifieds or job listings in newspapers like the New York Times and Washington Post; some guards can also find employment through referrals from friends or family members who work in this field

Another option is to visit a state’s Department of Labor website for information about licensing requirements and any upcoming exam dates available that will provide training before taking an entrance examination which takes place once every two years at various locations across the country (typically lasting 12 hours).

Pros and cons to being a security guard

Security guards are part of the “service industry” and as such, they will typically interact with customers on a daily basis. There is the potential for overtime, but also for long hours when waiting to be called in during emergencies or extreme weather conditions.

The job can sometimes involve risk – someone may have mental health issues that need to be dealt with; there could possibly be violence at some point between people who do not get along; theft might occur if items left unattended (usually only within public spaces).

Security officers should always wear their company uniform so that it’s clear they’re an employee and never carry anything valuable out of sight because thieves target these possessions. They should also monitor surveillance cameras regularly so employees know what goes on inside and outside of the facility.

There is always a chance for advancement, but it doesn’t happen easily – someone might have to try different companies until they find one that offers training opportunities and possible promotions in rank (security guards typically start at level I).

The hours can be long depending on the employer’s requirements so those who want more stability or time with their family may not like this career choice.

There are also some entry-level jobs available where an individual does not need any formal education and only needs experience working as a security guard, which means there will be less pay because you’re considered new to the field.

What is it like working as a Security Guard?

Security guard positions can be very rewarding for people who enjoy a hands-on job that involves interacting with others.

Many guards find the work to be exciting and challenging as they are usually on call 24/ hours, which means being available for emergencies at all times.

A security guard’s day may consist of checking IDs, making sure visitors don’t go past certain points in an office building or museum, answering questions from customers about where the restrooms are located, monitoring surveillance footage in real time via computer screens and phones – you name it! They also have access to buildings during non-business hours like when employees leave for the evening or weekends. Security guards need good verbal communication skills so they can talk confidently and quickly diffuse any potential conflicts that may arise.

Some guards find the work to be a bit monotonous and repetitive, but most have found it rewarding in terms of the job security they feel they are providing their families by having an income source.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it necessary to have any previous training before becoming a security guard?

No. It is not necessary to have had formal experience in order to work as an armed or unarmed security officer, though those with some form of certification may find themselves more valuable on the job market than those without. The National Guard offers free basic training for new recruits and most other state offices provide similar courses at no cost. Additionally, many entry level positions require only that one be over 18 years old and able to pass a background check (which costs approximately $75). There are also public schools which offer criminal justice degrees specifically designed for students looking for opportunities in this field after graduation ($20,000/yr).

Do you need an ID card or license in order to become an armed or unarmed security officer, respectively?

In most cases, no. In some states there may be a need for certification and/or registration but it varies from state-to-state. Officers should double check with their local government before beginning work as this will likely have the final word on requirements for either position.

What are the duties of a security guard?

Security guards typically have several daily tasks, including monitoring and maintaining order at sites where people work or gather. Security officers often patrol their posts to prevent trespassing or other crimes such as theft. They sometimes answer questions and provide assistance in public areas like schools, malls, parks and government buildings. Officers may take action if they notice vandalism or graffiti on property belonging to an employer. In some cases, security personnel do light janitorial duties such as removing litter from sidewalks after a parade has passed by.

How much money does one require to become a security guard?

While there is no set amount of funds required, it may be helpful to have at least 200 – 400 in order to purchase standard uniform gear as well as liability insurance for work purposes (which can cost up to 75). Armed guards must also pass an FBI background check which can cost up to 75 per application. All armed officers are expected to carry their weapon with them at all times while working which costs 500, and it is possible that these items could total 600 or more. Unarmed guards need not worry about this expenditure but will still need some basic equipment such as handcuffs, pepper spray, batons and whistles in order to do their job effectively; it’s possible that these items could total approximately $600 or more.

Do security guards make good money?

Security guards make decent money. The average salary for a security officer in the United States is $12-25 per hour, though there are several factors that can affect earnings such as experience and type of work performed (i.e., armed or unarmed).

What are some qualities that make a good security guard?

A large part of what defines a job as “good” depends on the individual but in general, security officers should be personable and have a genuine interest in protecting those around them. A helpful personality is also an asset to any officer hoping for promotion or increased responsibility. Those who may find themselves in positions which require monitoring more dangerous individuals (such as criminals) must have strong self-control at all times. Additionally, any individual wishing to be a security guard should have at least some familiarity with the laws of both their state and nation; in order to enforce them appropriately.

What kind of uniform does one need for work?

It varies from company-to-company but most uniforms are designed specifically by whatever group hires the officer – it is possible to get a uniform from the security company they work for, or even buy one beforehand. A basic list of recommended items would include pants which are black and comfortable enough to wear over long periods of time; white dress shirt with sleeves rolled up slightly past the elbows (to avoid tearing); black belt/suspenders, boots that have some form of heel (to give extra height and protect the ankle); black or navy blue blazer with a white shirt underneath.

What is the highest paid security job?

The highest paid security job is likely to be either a private investigator or armed guard.

What are the educational requirements for becoming a security guard?

Many colleges and universities offer certificate programs in “security management” which can provide an introduction to the field; these classes may also include topics such as terrorism, surveillance techniques, weapons training/handling, and emergency response.

Why do security guards make so little?

In some cases this can be attributed to an individual being inexperienced in the field. However, security guards also make less than many other professions due to low demand for their services – which means that they are likely paid at a lower rate as well. Additionally, security officers have one of the highest rates of injury compared to most jobs; leading them to have higher medical expenses, which further cuts into their earnings.

Where do security guards get paid the most?

The states that pay security guards the most are Alaska, Wyoming, and Maryland.

How can I make more money as a security guard?

The best way to make more money as a security guard is by working for longer hours. Officers who hold multiple jobs in addition to their work as an officer will also be able to generate a larger income.

What is the best security guard company to work for?

The best security guard company to work for is likely one that offers a good benefits package, such as health insurance and paid time off. A uniform allowance may also be an attractive feature of some companies; several organizations additionally offer education grants or tuition reimbursement programs.

One of the top security guard companies is Securitas. They offer a range of different services such as security services and staffing, personal safety and armored transport, facility management, employment screening, and consulting. They work with different clients that are government agencies, public sector organizations, private corporations and internationally.

Another company that is high in the ranks is Protection One Security Services. This company offers 24/7 surveillance monitoring services to help secure a home or business while providing protection for the property and residents. The company has alarms that monitor any changes in heat levels on the property to help protect against fires or intruders. The company also provides burglary insurance coverage for any theft or damage to personal property within a business or residential space.

Who is the number 1 security company in the world?

Gentex Security Group is the number one security company in the world. They provide a range of services for clients such as installation and maintenance, sales and service training, all with an emphasis on providing protection to people at home or work.

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